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Please consider turning it on! Remember Me. Someone to connect with who had promised her a helping hand in helping her get her name out and finally making her big break in the industry.

Someone would notice her, someone would find her in time, wouldn’t they?

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They’d just have to. Clawdeen had thought she had just made another friend. She would’ve never imagined that now she’d be trapped, abused, used, and left to rot among others in the darkest corners of whatever hell she’d landed in.

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At first, she was hopeful. But as the days go on, and the streets remain cruel and uncaring, it seems that hope has finally slipped out of her grasp.

I will try to post warnings before the beginning of each chapter whenever the above goes to happen, so do read with caution if you are triggered or uncomfortable by the discussion of such events like the above.

Clawdeen shivered and crossed her arms, hugging herself through the thick material of her coat. Her breath appeared in front of her as small puffs of mist and she could feel her teeth chatter.

She looked up and down the street, searching for anyone who may have looked like they were interested. She needed two hundred more dollars to meet her quota.

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As of right now, except for a few druggies sleeping in the alleyway, the streets were pretty much deserted. A chill went through Clawdeen as the wind suddenly picked up.

With the halter dress she wore barely reaching mid-thigh and, having been left with no stockings after a client the other day had ripped them, her bare legs were left exposed to the bitter cold.

She let out a small growl of frustration as she looked around.

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Now, it was nearing almost two in the morning, she was freezing cold, and she was still two hundred short. Clawdeen swallowed hard, trying to push down the pit of anxiety she felt starting to form in her stomach.

Her hands twisted in her pockets in fear at the mere thought of facing him in that state. Come on, come one, she thought in slight desperation as she bounced her foot impatiently, Just one more.

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As if some sort of scary godmother had been listening in and decided to grant her wish, Clawdeen was suddenly rewarded with the sound of an engine coming towards her.

She perked up and looked up the road to see headlights appearing in the distance, before a car came cruising down the street, rolling to a stop in front of her.

Clawdeen smiled and leaned forward, resting her arms on the window sill as she bent over to look in to the car. His eyes slowly browsed over her figure, lingering at her bust, taking in the ample amount of cleavage she had exposed to him.

Clawdeen made sure to lightly wiggle her hips as he looked past her to get a good look at her rear. Geez, you were ghouls are getting pricier by the day.

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Though he shook his head in disappointment, the reptilian reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Clawdeen said nothing, though she gave a shadow of a smile.

She stuffed the money in her purse while the reptilian unlocked the passenger door, before she opened it and slid in beside him. As she buckled her seat belt, he put the gearshift into drive and started down the road again.

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The reptilian shook his head with a smile and reached over to put a hand on her knee. Clawdeen watched as his hand started to move up her thigh, feeling along her skin until it came all the way up to the innermost junction of her thigh, right where her bikini line was.

The short trip was spent in silence, before they pulled into the empty lot of a decrepit and abandoned building. Stuffing them into her purse, she then shrugged off her jacket.

She could hear him moving around in his seat as he unbuckled his belt; when she turned back to face him, he had leaned back in his seat with his legs spread, his fly undone.

Taking a deep breath to try and calm her pounding heart, she bent over and took him into her mouth. She fellated him for a couple of minutes, getting him hard and building his arousal, until she felt him bury a hand into her hair and tug, making her look up at him.

He was breathing hard, his eyes dark with desire. He grabbed the bottom of her dress. Clawdeen raised her arms to allow him to pull it over her head in one swift motion, before they both crawled between the seats.

Clawdeen lay down on her back as the reptilian pushed his pants down to his knees and crawled on top of her, nestling in between her legs.

His gaze was a hungry one as it trailed down her nude body.

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The smell of his arousal radiated him off him like a bad smelling cologne. There was a small creaking sound that came from somewhere inside the car as he moved on her, his hips rocking at a hard, steady pace.

Clawdeen kept her gaze glued to the interior of the car, waiting for him to finish. His hand roamed her body, roughly grabbing at the first thing it could find leverage on- her breast, her hip, her leg.

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Finally, after what felt like forever, the reptilian let out a low keen, and Clawdeen felt something thick fill her cavity. The reptilian groaned and pressed himself against her tightly, before he collapsed onto his elbows.

His hot breath tickled her skin as he buried his face between the crook of neck and shoulder. A few seconds later, he pushed himself off her and rolled over onto his back.

Clawdeen sat up and fixed her hair, smoothing it down from where it had become matted from lying on the floor.

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She grabbed her dress and started to pull it back on as the reptilian redid his fly. She opened the door and climbed out to make her way back to the passenger seat.

You could never be too careful, especially with the smooth talkers- they always tended to be the ones to try and swindle you the most. Pulling her coat back on, Clawdeen swung the door open and quickly climbed out.

With that, he drove off. Clawdeen watched the car go up the street until it disappeared around the corner, before she turned in the opposite direction.

Taking a look around to make sure nobody could see her, she dug into her purse and pulled out several wads of tissues, along with her underwear.

She grimaced at the feel of them dripping down her thighs and scrubbed harder. Once she felt she had cleaned everything up, she tossed the tissue into a drainage ditch and hastily pulled her panties back on.

Letting out a shiver at the cold air, she wrapped her jacket tighter around herself and started down the street. As she crossed the intersection and made her way past the theater, she spotted a familiar figure on the corner under the streetlight who she recognized as Aran.

He looked over his shoulder with disdain as the golem walked away. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of the werewolf, before they quickly narrowed into slits of annoyance.

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Clawdeen tried not to shrink under his glare. Aran looked down at it. He took it from her, giving her a quick look before looking back down as he counted the bills out.

Good job, Selena. Relief swelled up in her, the feeling of a massive weight on her shoulders lifting with the assurance that she had pleased the satyr, even if it were just for the moment.

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Aran nodded his head in the direction that the Nandi bear had gone. Clawdeen did her best to keep up with him as they made their way down the avenue, though the numbness of her feet made it hard to walk, Aran guiding her with a hand on the small of her back.

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They hurriedly made their way through the chilly night until they came upon a large apartment complex that looked like it had seen better days, with the walls watermarked and weeds blooming in between its concrete foundation.

The lights that lit up the pathways between the apartments flickered on and off. Climbing up the metal stairs to the third level, Clawdeen walked to one door that lay at the end on the right side of the building.

21.01.2020 – Some of the guys managed to make you squirt yet? It had a large marble counter with the sink taking up at least a quarter of its length, in the middle. I drive the shuttle for the hotel, so anytime you need a ride, you just look for me. The thin frame squeaked under them as he moved faster. His movements are so slow and subtle that at first you do not notice and the observer then becomes startled.

She waited while Aran unlocked it, before he pushed it open and gestured with his head for her to go inside. Clawdeen nodded wordlessly, knowing way better than to object or say anything that the satyr could interpret as her mouthing off to him.

Gem was turned around, staring at her. Neon lime lace insert high leg cupped body bar She grabbed it startled.

With a nod, he turned and left. Clawdeen watched him go as he closed the door behind him. A moment later, she could hear his keys jangle as he locked it from the outside.

As the sound of his footsteps gradually grew fainter, Clawdeen collapsed onto the couch, grateful to finally rest her aching legs.

She tossed her purse onto the table and undid the straps of her heels so she could kick them off, before she rubbed her feet. She walked to the small, dirty kitchen and opened the fridge to look inside.

It was near bare inside, save for an almost empty carton of milk, a half of a sandwich, and a grapefruit that looked like it was near rotting.

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Gathering a night shirt and some shorts from the pile of clothes next to the mattress in the living room, she made her way to the bathroom, where she quickly stripped out of her dress and pulled the articles on; she then grabbed the threadbare washcloth that lay near the sink and ran it under the faucet to wet it, before wringing it out and using it to take off her makeup.

After she though she had removed everything, Clawdeen turned the bathroom light off and headed back towards the living room.

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She walked over to the light switch that was by the front door and switched it off, encasing the room in near total darkness. Settling down onto the mattress on the floor, she pulled the comforter up to her chin and curled into a ball, a wave of tiredness crashing over her.

Her eyes fell shut and within only seconds, Clawdeen could feel herself succumbing to the blissful haze of sleep she had been waiting for all day.

Clawdeen jumped as something hard suddenly banged against the wall. Her eyes shot open, glowing in the dark as they frantically searched for the source of the noise.

Clawdeen felt herself began to shake violently as her heart beat rapidly in her chest.

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She stared at the wall with terror, as if whoever was on the other side was about to break through it at any second. Clawdeen felt her throat tighten up, feeling for the young girl.

He reached up and grabbed her knee, shaking it affectionately. Neon lime lace insert high leg cupped body bar This was the now.

GOT IT?! They kept going to the other girls! There was another harsh bang against the wall, which was followed up by the sound of skin striking skin.